Try to get away from the two women

From Create Your Own Story

“OK, here’s what I think should be done,” you start to say in your most scholarly, reasonable voice. Then you abruptly make a dash for the nearest door. Charlie and Debbie are skilled, sexy fuckers, but you don’t think that there is any way that you can handle the two of them. Charlie nearly killed you in the sack, and Debbie’s tastes in sex are not for the squeamish. You could handle the two of them separately, but together? You’d have a better chance at knocking the shit out of Chuck Norris.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your tastes), Charlie is not only strong, but also fast. She tackles you to the floor before you can escape, and the strength of her hit (which feels like running into a brick wall) instantly immobilizes you. The room is spinning while you lie on your stomach, but you’re conscious enough to feel rope close around your wrists.

“What the hell are you doing?” you yell, somewhat in outrage, but mostly out of fear.

Charlie finishes tying your wrists behind your back before she responds to you. When she does respond, she does so by lifting you up by your shirt collar and bringing your face very close to hers. You become even more afraid and horny when you notice that there is a strange, predatory gleam in Charlie’s eyes.

“Sorry, babe,” Charlie says with a sadistic grin, “but when Charlie finally finds someone who can fuck her good and hard, Charlie doesn’t let him go. Ever.”

Charlie licks your face for emphasis, like she’s claiming you to be her property. Debbie giggles while she watches.

You say:

Health Horny Location:

Your Apartment

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Level 1
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