Try to blow both of your cocks at once

From Create Your Own Story

You grab Fred's cock and, facing him, press it against yours. You are able to hold them close together using both hands and you think you might be able to give a dual blow job. It's not something most horses would admit, but your dicks and necks are usually long enough that you can suck your own dick if you wanted to. You've tried it before, but found that it's not as good as finding a solid fuck and getting off that way. You lean your head down and attempt to wrap your massive horse lips around both heads of the cocks. You almost succeed, but it seems as though two cocks is one too many for your mouth.

Fred, lost in lust until now, leans down and puts your cock in his mouth so you do the same for him. It is awkward, standing up and giving a blow job, but you seem to be pulling it off. That is until you step back and into the puddle of cum that you hadn't cleaned up. You slip backwards and pull Fred on top of you by his cock in your mouth. The ground is not soft, so instead of being sexy, the result is tragic. You both bite down pretty hard on impact, not enough to bite through, but enough to do some serious damage. You both cry out in unison and you pass out from the pain. When you wake up, both of you are in hospital beds and you are afraid to check your cock. It doesn't hurt anymore and you're praying that it's still attached. You peek under the sheets and are relieved to find you still have your full length horse cock, it's just bandaged and numbed with medication.

You look over at Fred and he tries to smile but winces. It looks like he lost a tooth in the fall as well as getting the same damage to his cock that you did. You both start laughing a little and you reach over and hold his hand while you both have a giggling fit at the absurdity of the situation (and also because you're probably high on pain meds). You think that you would like to try to be with Fred again once you've healed, but you figure that is a long way off and you are just glad for now to rest and let your injuries heal while spending time with your best friend and new, if as-yet-unconsummated lover. Until you heal, I figure that this is...


Furry Status (you)
Health 15 Equipment:

Injured Cock, New Lover

Gender Male
Species Horse
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