Trade for a top and bottom, then head for home

From Create Your Own Story

You strip off the remains of your blouse and skirt, standing completely naked before him. He takes your clothes, puts a price tag on them, and hangs them on a rack near the door, then disappears, telling you to wait there.

Moments later, he returns, with some clothes in hand. "Here," he says, "Take them and go."

You thank him, then go to pull them on. You ended up with a too-tight tube top, and a pair of sweat pants that are too big, and have some holes in them, none of them over your naughty bits.

Now that you're decent, you turn, leave the store, and head for home. It doesn't take you too long to get there, though you find the tube top to be quite annoying, as it bounces off your tits every few steps.

You finally walk in the door to your apartment, footsore and tired. You strip your clothes off, toss them in the hamper, then hop in the shower. After your shower, you masturbate, then take a nap. Before long you're your normal, horny self, and you feel a desperate urge to be filled again.

Do you:

Health Horny, Hormonal, and very sore Location:

Your Apartment

MP 0
Level 1
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