Toss your gun onto the flatbed of a passing truck

From Create Your Own Story

You hurl your gun into the back of a passing truck and watch as it quickly spirits the evidence away from the crime scene.

Casually, you lean against your squad car and put on a smug grin.

Congratulations, you just pulled off the perfect crime.

About 15 minutes pass before you hear the sound of sirens and see two squad cars approach your position. When they reach you they pull over to the side of the road behind your own car and two officers exit both vehicles. One of the emerging officers is Martin Brennan, your best friend since your days back at the academy.

Martin takes a look at your partner's mutilated corpse and clears his throat. "I guess we won't be needing the EMTs," he says in a hoarse and somber voice. "I'm sorry about you partner, Bobby."

You nod a little, pretending to be filled with that emotion mortals call 'sadness'. "Thanks, Mart... but I'll grieve for the dead after I catch the bitch that did this."

"That's the good news, Bobby," Martin says as he motions over to his squad car. "We caught the suspect matching your description."

You look over and sure enough you see poor Jessica siting in the back of Martin's car, terrified out of her mind no less.

"The thing is, Bobby..." Martin lowers his voice so the other officers securing the crime scene are unable to hear him. "All the way over here she has been saying that you were the one who shot your partner and that..."

You feel now is a great time to interject, so you:

You are possessing:
Police Officer
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