The school nurse Amanda. Those needles hurt, you know

From Create Your Own Story

You make your way to the school nurses office down the hall. You wait outside as Amanda take care of one of the students, peering through the glass partition watching her. She may appear innocent, a chubby woman just a few years out of college but you know the truth. You knew her before she started working at the school, as your cult supplied the local college with many of the same services that you offer the high-school, hookers and blow. Amanda was the ugly girl at school that instead of fading away into the background like most she shoved her self in everyone's face, compensating for her repulsiveness with a bitch attitude that could kill the drama queens of Hollywood. Fucking guys, drinking like a horse, and even permanently disfiguring one of the many girls she fought at school, she was a bull moose whore with a habit of making life miserable for everyone. After she left school she didn't have many options, her grades were poor, she had no real skills, and try as she might she never could tone down her bitchiness to hold a real job.

And now she's a nurse at a high-school, no prospects, no boyfriend, and years of bad memories.

You watch intently at her little piggy eyes as she inspects Larry Banner, his shirt off for her work. They glint hungrily; you know her appetites. Larry is fifteen, dorky, and lonely. You also know that Amanda has taken advantage of these kinds of boys in the past, keeping her sexually occupied by the kinds of kids who have the lowest standards. You don't disapprove, you just find her pathetic.

This whore has crossed swords with you before and now she's going to be the one doing you a favor...

The bell rings and Larry runs off to class much to Amanda's disappointment. You walk through the door, ignoring the call to class.

She snorts, and sneers with her fat cheeks. "Well well. Aren't you usually the one sending kids to my office rather than coming yourself? Or have you come for a free STD test?"

You smile despite her insults. This will be fun.

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