The chubby brunette with the soulful eyes

From Create Your Own Story

Something about those eyes attracts you like a moth to a flame. You walk over and sit next to the brunette.

"Hi," she says. "I'm Juanita."

"Joe," you reply, shaking her hand.

Harp the bartender glides over. "What'll it be?"

"Tonic water," you tell him.

"You're not buying me a drink?" Juanita asks with a giggle.

"Men who buy drinks for women never take that woman home, unless she's drunk so much she's passed-out unconscious," you tell her with what you hope is a flirty smile.

"You do know how the game works," Juanita says, laughing. She turns to Harp. "Half ginger ale, half your strongest vodka."

As the two of you chat, you find yourself liking Juanita more with each minute. She's not quite as rich as you, but she's a successful businesswoman in her own right. Semi-retired at the age of 33, she made her fortune as a short seller in various stock markets, then hit it really big when she bought a piece of land in Venezuela that had two then-unsucessful mines on it. When gold was found at the Las Cristinas mines, she sold her stake for an enormous amount. She runs a couple of small businesses here just so she doesn't get bored, but with enough in US Treasury bonds that her descendants four generations downward will never have to work, she's enjoying the good life. You also have enough in Treasury bonds that your descendants six generations downward will never have to work.

After an hour of chat, Juanita puts her empty glass down and prepares to stand up. "Let's be honest," she says. "You want to take me somewhere and fuck."

You're surprised at her directness, but can't disagree. You look into her pretty, soulful eyes. "Correct."

"Let's go, then," she says. "Your residence, my residence, or a hotel?"

Health 100 Equipment:

Loads of Cash

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