The Unicorn and the Raven/Leave the sundial alone

From Create Your Own Story

You follow the unicorn farther along the path and leave the curious sundial behind you.

Soon, more relics of civilization appear. Stonework, fallen pillars, even a bench, half covered under fallen branches and leaves.

Eventually you feel stone hidden beneath the leaves that cover the path and on either side of you are broken walls and buildings. This was a city, once, you suspect and the remains of walls and buildings and towers seem to bear that out. It occurs to you that, if you wanted, you could make a run for it. You're not sure that following -or trusting- the unicorn was the wisest move. You could probably lose it in the ruins. Suddenly the unicorn stops, pricking its ears at a sound that seems to come from within a building that's mostly still standing. If you want to run, this is your chance, while the unicorn is distracted

Do you:

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