The Greatest Longshot- Fall In

From Create Your Own Story

You fall in line with about ten other men who look about as confused as you do, a Lieutenant appears and addresses you and the other recruits, He identifies himself as Lieutenant Smith and explains to you and the others that you are no longer civilians but an armed soldier of His Majesty King George the Third. He then asks everyone to lift their right hand, only about 6 people get it right the rest lift their left or nothing at all. You are among those who lift nothing. After correcting everyone on which side is which, Lieutenant Smith has all of the recruits recite an oath swearing undying loyalty to King and Country. For the next 2 weeks you are drilled mercilessly again and again, by the time the fortnight is up you are able to load and fire your gun with your eyes closed and carry out command after command without skipping a beat. You learn from the veterans that the white band on Sergeant Stewart's white armband meant that he was a "Chosen Man" a skilled marksman who has been recognized for his skill. About a week after your training is complete the regiment is gathered and told to put on their uniforms and take down their tents, you are being deployed into France, taking a ship across the channel and landing in Prussia from where you will march south and join the armies in France. The regiment marches South about 10 miles when you reach a port and board the HMS Glory a medium transport ship, used to be one of the Royal Navies great Frigates before it was damaged to the point where it was more economical to make it a transport. You fall asleep fairly easy the first night due to exhaustion from the march. You wake up before anyone else in the regiment and find yourself eager to explore the ship

What do you do?

Go to the Hold

Ascend the Mast

Speak to the Sailors

Go to the Kitchen

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