Tell the Boys to Strip

From Create Your Own Story

Tightening the little towel around yourself, you step up to Henry and look him dead in the eyes; you're nearly his height. "You think so?"

He opens his mouth to talk, gasps a little, and shuts his mouth. "Come on Henry," you go on mockingly, "impress me. Won't I like it? You saw mine, it's only fair..." Henry is beet red, and David steps back, watching the two of you intently.

Henry eventually takes another breath, and starts mumbling incoherent sounds that might be excuses. David eventually pipes up in their defense, "We... didn't really see anything, Alex. We're, uh, sorry." He turns towards the door, but keeps his eyes on you.

You're annoyed that David is chickening out. You're obviously winning now, and decide to press the advantage. You let the towel drop away, and step sideways so you're in between Henry and David, and give them a nice, close look. They both go wide-eyed, their gazes dropping slowly but occasionally jerking back up to gauge your reaction. You stare at them expectantly.

"Well, how about now then?" you ask. Now both of the boys' faces are so red you wonder if they'll pass out. All three of you stare at eachother for several seconds that feel like an eternity. You sigh, turn to Henry and say "Well, impress me then."

He owes you this, and he asked for it anyways. When he fails to act on his own, you hook your thumbs into his waistband and give a tug, and his basketball shorts fall to the ground. You got his boxers on one side, but not the other, so you can see his fuzzy pube mound and just the very base of his cock. Annoyed, you yank the hem and they join his shorts on the floor. His cock, the first you've seen in person, looks pretty much like the ones from sex ed, except the head looks different. It's about the size of your index finger, drooping down towards the floor. You bend down to look closer, and as your hot breath reaches it his cock slowly, gently starts to twitch and grow.

Totally ignoring David, you inspect Henry's inflating member. It slowly rises, getting thicker and longer. As it gets longer, the funny end opens up and it starts to look like the dicks you learned about in school. You belatedly remember the little side bar picture about uncut dicks from the sex ed pamphlet. With his cock now up, you can see the sparse, shaggy hair on his balls. This guy is hairy down there, and it's a little gross. Standing up, you notice that his face is now pale white... apparently all the blood from his head drained down to his cock.

You turn to David, absently letting your butt brush against Henry. "And?" you say to him, gesturing towards his crotch. "Your turn. Fair is fair."

David shifts his weight uncomfortably from foot to foot. He looks back and forth between your perfect body and his rock hard friend, sometimes glancing down at himself. His hands seem to go towards his shorts a couple of times. With a heavy sigh, he unzips his jeans and lets them fall to his ankles. He's wearing the same kind of tighty-whities that your brothers wear. You gesture at his crotch again. He sighs again, then yanks his briefs down as well.

David's cock is more like you expect, with no skin covering the end of it. It's already standing out about 6 inches when it pops up out of his underwear. You immediately notice the complete lack of pubes and smile approvingly; David is obviously willing to do what it takes to win. You really like the look of this one, and coo happily as you bend down to get a better look. Your butt bumps Henry's hard-on again.


Name Alexandra Miller
Location Swim and Racquet Club
Status Horny
Clothing Naked
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