Tell him you'd like to go for a walk that evening

From Create Your Own Story

He says, "Sure, I could do that. What time then?"

You say, "Howbout six-thirty?"

"Sure. You wanna meet at your place?"

"Yeah, that sounds good. I live at Dorm A313."

"Could everyone on the tour please come over to me?" announces a blonde, shorthaired woman with glasses and a black shirt.

The two of you walk toward her. You still feel very strange, unsure of how people will respond to your new appearance. You think that this still must be a dream, but you're calm (if a bit turned on), and set on this reality, and interested to see where it will take you. You approach the tour guide, alongside Charlie.

The tour begins, and you step across a brick path that runs alongside many windows. You glance into the windows to see students on computers and reading. You see a small boy, his head turned away from you, reading what looks to be an Encyclopedia.

You look down at your skirt to see it brown, with criss-cross patterns in white. You see your shaved legs, and your smaller feet. Suddenly, you look up to see Charlie looking at you strangely.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Oh yeah, I just thought I had a bruise," you respond.

The sun is high in the sky, and the day is fine. You keep walking with your tour guide, and enter a nearby building. As you enter the building, you see a yellow note on the ground on the inside of the door.

Do you:

Welcome to the University
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Female
Height 5’ 8”
Weight 121 lbs
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