Tell him to get in the back seat

From Create Your Own Story

He nods and gets in. You drive on, in silence. You have hiked your top back up, so you feel the sperm over your right tit dribble inside it, down your midriff. Looking down, you see the top soaking the sperm over your left tit.

You briefly wonder why he isn't introducing himself, or at least ask you where you're heading. But his presence is electrifying, and to be honest you can't really concentrate on much of anything.

Then traffic slows to a crawl again. You see a VW Beetle cabriolet to your immediate right, full of blonde young girls with perfect teeth. They're laughing and teasing other drivers, and you see one of them flash her perky boobs at your back seat passenger. Another girl is more adventurous and has removed her skirt and panties altogether, and is now wriggling her naked butt outside the car for the benefit of the driver of the large truck that's in the lane past the Beetle.

"Could you open the sunroof, please?"

It is your passenger, speaking for the first time.

Do you:

Health Horny & Hormonal Location:

Your Car

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Level 1
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