Tell Marie you'd rather rest right where you are for a moment

From Create Your Own Story

"I'm not sure I can walk," you say. "Whatever that crap is, it's still thrown me for a major loop."

Marie puts one arm around your back, one behind your knees, and lifts you off the ground, holding you against her chest. "Then I'll carry you," she says. "Zach, I wish I didn't have to kill you. I'd much rather we be co-champions. But the sadistic fuckheads who put us here made the rules, and there can only be one survivor."

She means every word, you realize. She could have killed me in my sleep at any time, but she woke me up instead.

"Marie..." you whisper.

"I know what you're thinking," she replies. "I can't take the scumbags out and deactivate the collars. They have cameras everywhere and there are danger zones completely surrounding this cave area."

"Marie," you murmur, "I understand. Do what you must."

"I promise," Marie says, "that when I die, I'll meet you in heaven. We can enjoy eternity together and forget we were ever put into this hell on earth." She tilts her face down and gives you a soft kiss. She's carried you to the cave entrance.

"Deal," you say. "I'm ready."

"It'll be over instantly," Marie whispers. "Goodbye, Zach... for now." She snaps your neck like a twig, and like she promised, death was instantaneous and quite painless.

Character: Zach Brach
Alive: 1 student
Hours Remaining: ??
Weapons Aquired: None
Friends: None
Kills: YOU

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