Tell Ashley's father yes, you will be staying for dinner

From Create Your Own Story

"Yes, thank you," you reply. "That sounds wonderful. Let me just give my folks a call to let them know."

One phone call later, you are dressed and holding Ashley's hand as the two of you approach the table. Your parents were somewhat surprised that you picked Ashley as a friend [you didn't mention that she's also your lover], but they have no objection. You even got permission to spend the night if you want to.

Dinner is excellent. The cook has prepared a multi-course meal [normal, Ashley says -- she really does live a life of luxury] and the maid brings out the courses one by one. You could get used to this.

After dinner, Ashley invites you back up to her room. The two of you clearly have a strong physical attraction, and maybe more...?

You are possessing:
Dark-haired girl
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