Take your three mates and Sandra's daughter to the crude house

From Create Your Own Story

"Thank you, Isabelle," you reply. "Please guide us to the house."

Isabelle takes you, your mates, and Sandra's daughter through the town to get to the house. Questions are asked, and you have to repeatedly explain that you intend to settle here and become a part of the village. You intend to farm the land the house is on and hunt in the nearby forest.

Some of the villagers are unenthusiastic about your presence, but others offer to help, especially when they realize you're taking on the burden of supporting Sandra and Shea, two of the town's less fortunate citizens, as well as providing for Sandra's daughter. The fact that Isabelle seems accepting of the situation, you feel, also helps.

Within a month, you're settled in and able to provide for your mates. You make sure they all get sufficient sex, as well. All three of them are pregnant, in fact, and in 8 months or so will bear your children.

As you're working in your field one morning, Isabelle approaches with her father, the lord of the town. "Our scouts have detained three orcs at the outskirts of the town," he informs you. "They were unarmed and put up no resistance, stating only that they wished to visit you. They claim to be your brothers."

"Bring them here," you tell him. Within a short time, your brothers are duly escorted to your house.

"Three mates, runt?" your brother of mind smiles. "Well done."

"You should come visit us," one of your brothers of strength says.

"Yeah," your other brother of strength adds. "Mom and Dad miss you."

You continue chatting for a bit while you think over their suggestion.

Health Mated to three humans Equipment:


Experience Low
HP 100
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