Take your laundry back to your apartment

From Create Your Own Story

Wordlessly, you stand, then bend over to put your socks with the rest of your laundry. While you're putting them there, the man takes his chance to flip your skirt up and deposit one last load of spunk on your buttocks. He wipes his dick across the back of your skirt as you finish putting your laundry in your basket, and you leave.

As you walk back to your apartment, you can feel his cum everywhere. It's squishing between your toes, dribbling off your ass, running down your cleavage, and dripping from your chin and nose. You haven't bothered to look at yourself since you're trying to maneuver up stairs with a large basket of laundry in your hands. Not that it matters. Just knowing you're walking around outside with a stranger's jizz on you is quite stimulating, and your box drips anew.

When you finally haul your basket through the door of your apartment, you set it on your bed, before turning to your mirror. You gasp in shock, as you see just how much semen you actually have on you. There's several large globs on your face, and more mats your hair. Your blouse is covered in stains, notably down your cleavage and around your breasts. You tug the front of your blouse out so you can look down it, and some of his cum falls out of your hair, landing on your right nipple with a slight splat. You shiver as a little bolt of electricity shoots from your hard nipple to your clit.

Releasing your blouse, you look at your legs, which have their own liberal application of cum on them. You turn your ass to the mirror, and flip the back of your skirt up, noting the cum plastered to the inside of it, and the spots where you sat in it. Some jizz has run over your lower lips, and just feeling it there is teasing you mercilessly. Popping one of your heels off, you find more has run into your shoes, coating your feet, and pooling in the toes of your shoes.

You look like you stepped off a Japanese bukkake set. The sight is quite arousing, and you shudder through an orgasm just looking at yourself in the mirror.

However, moments later, you're back to your usual horny self. You really need to find a good, hard dick.

Do you take a shower, redress, and:

Or maybe:

Health Horny & Hormonal Location:

Your Apartment

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Level 1
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