Take to the American deal

From Create Your Own Story

After many hours of deliberation, you decide that the deal offered by the Americans is your best option. When you call Under Secretary Gertrude Wilson to inform her of your decision, she thanks you and says that she’ll call you when the soldiers are ready.

Your business being finished in New York, you head back to London to share your success with the council. When you arrive at the Council headquarters you find Prime Minister Monte there, and he tells you that he was not successful in Brussels. Apparently, though the Europeans are sympathetic to your cause, they feel that taking sides in internal conflict would not be in their best interest at this point.

You find your younger brother, Reinaldo, is also at the headquarters, apparently having been summoned by the Council as well. Currently a cadet at the Sandhurst academy, it’s been several years since you’ve seen your brother, and he’s apparently grown into a dour and disciplined young man. He was always your father’s favorite, being more inclined to military pursuits while you were of a more intellectual stripe, so there is little love lost between you, and you aren’t shocked when he doesn’t embrace you.

After talking to Monte and your brother, you explain to the council about your deal with the Americans. Most of the Council is pleased by this turn of events, though they are somewhat perturbed that they were not consulted. Your brother, however, scoffs when he hears the news.

“You would make our nation a slave to the Americans?” he says, acid dripping from every word “The people of Barataria are our soldiers, we don’t need the charity of other nations to take what’s rightfully ours!” Though most of the council ostensibly backs your decision, you see a few muttering amongst themselves in agreement with prince Reinaldo.

However, more pressing matters take the forefront. Though your father and the monarchy in general were looked upon favorably by the population of Barataria, the royalist position is now very weak and the Council has been looking into ways to boost your popularity, and they’ve struck upon two ways to do so.

The first would involve you going to visit a refugee camp for displaced Baratarians set up in Pantelleria, an island belonging to Italy, for a photo op with those interned there, both inside and outside your country. Filled with citizens of your nation who fled from them the worst excesses of the Blanca regime, visiting and commiserating with those in the camp will hopefully raise your profile among those seeking an alternative to the dictator.

On the other hand, a group of wealthy Baratarian emigres are putting on a charity event to raise money for the anti-Blanca cause and increase awareness of your collective nation's plight. By winning over these elite men and women, you will gain powerful friends who could help you when Blanca is dead.

Prince Reinaldo has agreed to go to whichever event you do not, but having the actual King of Barataria at either event will increase the likelihood of it’s success

Which event do you go to?

Go to the refugee camp - Visit those most affected by Blanca’s reign of terror

Go to the charity event - Hob-nob with the most wealthy and powerful of Baratarian immigrants

You are: Citizen of Barataria
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