Take his advice and run to the next block to find somewhere else to clean up instead

From Create Your Own Story

As soon as you reach the next block, you hit yourself over the head. How could you forget! The office is in this block, you need no store!

You breathlessly run to the bathrooms on your floor and plop over a sink, looking at yourself in the mirror.

Your hair is undone and you are covered in dust. The top button of your tight business jacket has come off, giving everyone a generous look into your braless cleavage. Your pencil dress is ripped halfway up your hip on your right side, but luckily you're wearing discreet black panties.

Just as you sigh in relief that the damage isn't worse, Fred, the obnoxious guy at the desk next to you, opens the door to bounce a paper clip off your head.

"You're in trouble, Tits," the guy says. (Fred always calls you Tits.) "Ms. Pierce has been looking for you all morning. You should go see her in her office before she comes looking for you."

As you open your mouth to protest at Fred's intrusion, you see the sign on the door he has opened - this is the men's room!

Do you:

Health Horny & Hormonal Location:

Your Office

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