Take her top off

From Create Your Own Story

You slowly move in closer and put your hands on her chest, squeezing her shirt and almost drooling at the thought of her soft, luscious breasts. She gasps, clearly taken aback by your gesture but her face, although clearly flushed and heated, shows nothing but approval. Not wanting to waste another moment, you practically tear her shirt off, tossing it aside without a second thought. Your eyes widen as she starts to unfasten her bra, licking her lips deviously at you as she purposefully draws out the process. Unable to contain yourself as the seductive routine continues, you instinctively drop one hand down towards your pants and start rubbing your now soaking wet pussy, while thrusting your other arm towards her tantalizingly-close breasts. She gasps again as you knock away her hand, brushing past her bra in order to feel her up; her skin is soft and delicate, warm and inviting. Moaning with pleasure, her body seems to quiver and recoil at your touch; as if all her fiery defiance is beginning to melt away.

As gorgeous a moment as this is, you find yourself caught between wishing to touch her and touch yourself. Multitasking is becoming harder to maintain as your brain gets more and more overwhelmed by pleasure.

Continue to feel her up

Focus on touching yourself

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Knights of the Old Republic

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