Take a nap under the tree

From Create Your Own Story

You close your eyes and let your post-orgasmic wave of relaxation carry you off into the realm of sleep.

You have a dream that Katy, trapped in a cage, is begging you, still in her form, to release her body from your possession, or to at least stop making her do horrible, disgusting things.

You tell her that the only reason you are using her body for such degrading purposes is because deep down it is what she really wants, that you are only feeding off of her own most visceral and atavistic desires, urges so thoroughly concealed in her psyche that she does not even realize she has them. She calls you a liar, but you merely laugh. Then, to your surprise she leans over and starts licking your breast.

You awake with a start to find that it is not Katy licking you but the yellow cow that had been grazing nearby. Her tongue feels sort of nice on your nipple, but you push her head away, annoyed to see that she has gotten spittle and chewed up grass all down your front, and just after you had cleaned yourself off in the pond.

Your annoyance quickly turns into revulsion and panic as you look farther down at yourself and see that lolling between your legs, extending from your shaved pubic mound across your clitoris and vagina and down your inner thigh, is the largest slug you have ever seen.

It looks to be over a foot long and about three inches wide, and seems to have slogged up from the grass onto your leg and then made its way up your body to its current position. It appears also that it has not yet finished its trek, as it is still migrating slowly but steadily up towards your bellybutton. You can feel its loathsome, slimy body sliding sickeningly over your alert clitoris.

Too shocked to react, you stare at the thing catatonically for nearly ten seconds, during which time its hideous head has moved several more centimeters up your abdomen. Forcing yourself back to coherence, you spring to your feet and start flailing about wildly in an attempt to make it fall off, being unwilling to touch it with your bare hands. The thick mucus it has secreted holds it fast to your skin, however, and your corybantic jumping around does little to deter its progress.

You look around frantically for a stick or rock or something that you might use to pry it off of you, but see nothing close to hand. Finally, it occurs you to dislodge it by rubbing your crotch against the trunk of the willow tree. With this approach you successfully separate its front end from your pubic mound, though its back end remains attached, so that the head of the mollusk flails about in the air, trying to find purchase.

Before it can reattach, you resume jumping up and down, and are finally able to cause the creature to peel away from your body, though it remains connected to you by viscous strands of slime that do not break even when the slug has fallen to the ground. You back away from its squirming body hastily until the cords of snot snap.

There is still a thick layer of residue coating your pubic area, but you are very relieved to be free of the interloper. You lean back against the willow and heave a sigh of relief.

Your relief is short-lived, however, as you become aware of a cold wetness between your ass cheeks.

You are possessing:
12th Grade Girl (Katy)
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