Take Bekah shopping

From Create Your Own Story

"Do you have any cash with you?" You ask Bekah.

"Ummm, a little. why?"

"I know a surf shop near my house. We could stop there real quick, buy something, and return it when we're done with it."

Bekah doesn't seem so sure about this. "I guess we could do that."

She's pressured, but she seems willing. No harm on you. You gave her an offer, and she's agreeing.

The two of you meet up at the bus and get off at the beach stop near your house. Bekah is still looking nervous about this whole thing, but you try to give her encouragement.

"Come on, you'll enjoy this, I promise."

"I don't like how I look in swimsuits," she blabs out.

"Ever heard of this handy invention called a mirror? You'll be fine."

"Okay, just help me pick something out, I'm kinda lost in here."

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

walkman with mixtape, backpack, cheer outfit, math book

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Cheerleader
Boyfriend/Girlfriend none
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