TPOW talk to Ali in the shower

From Create Your Own Story

"Umm Ali," you say softly. After a moment there isn't any response so you try again slightly louder. Still she doesn't respond. You try a third time. This time she hears you, or you assume she does at least, because suddenly she twirls around to face you in the shower at an alarming rate. She spins so fast that she loses her balance on the slippery surface and falls to the shower floor with a painful crash. Ali lets out a soft painful moan.
"Are you okay?" you ask concerned.
"Who are you? Stay Away from me? DADDDDYYYYY." Ali screams the last syllable for what seems like forever. You cover your ears to stifle the noise.
"Ali calm down." You say reassuringly. "Your father had to go to campus for a meeting and asked me to watch over you. I live next door. Do you recognize me?" Ali slides the door to the shower open a couple inches and peeks her head out.
"Sure I recognize you but you suck at looking after people. I would have been better off left here by myself then left with you." She says full of malice. You wince from the hate in her voice.
"I'm sorry I frightened you." you say.
"You didn't frighten me," she says looking embarrassed, "You startled me that's all."
"I'm sorry I startled you then," you respond apologizing a second time. "Are you alright?" "My ankle hurts really bad," she frowns, "I think its broken."
"Let me have a look" you tell Ali. Ali adjusts her position on the floor of the shower and sticks her leg out. She carefully remains behind the glass as much as possible. You take her leg gently in your hands noticing how smooth and soft her skin is to the touch. You gingerly run your hands over her already swelling ankle. You frown. You aren't in school to be a doctor but you have had your share of broken bones over the years and Ali's ankle is definitely broken or at the very least sprained.

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Health 100 Equipment:

Cell Phone, Wallet

MP 100
Level 1
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