TPM: Later in the Gungan camp...

From Create Your Own Story

You wake in a daze, your whole body aching. You didn't give up without a fight so the Gungans had to shock you into unconsciousness. You try to move your arms but crude rough rope scratches painfully at your wrists. You're bound on your knees, your arms and head attached to a wooden frame made of Jamba wood. Looking down you realize you are naked, your beautiful handmaiden's robe torn away from your small skinny body. Suddenly you are aware of the room around you and you gasp in horror.

Inside the large tent that houses you you see dozens of rows of the same wooden frames that bind you, your loyal handmaidens similarly secured. Milling around like some horrific version of a Naboo carnival zoo are the lanky Gungan warriors, gang fucking your compatriots. They casually go from handmaiden to handmaiden, working their long rubbery penises from their clothes and force them down throats, cunts, and anuses. Your throat tightens as you recognize face after face, some twisted in expressions of sexual pain, others barely visible beneath thick coats of slimy Gungan semen. The air is thick with moans, choking, and the muffled cries of those with leather gags tightly bound between their lips. You get a little thrill of satisfaction to see Sabe, your traitorous handmaiden struggling to breath as two dumb Gungans try to fit their cocks in her mouth at the same time.

A guard comes over and pulls roughly on your hair. He yells something in Gungan; you think he's letting everyone know you're awake, but you don't speak the language. Heat rises in your face as you realize what comes next...

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Padme Amidala
The Phantom Menace

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