TLJ: Rey tries to convince you

From Create Your Own Story

“Kylo Ren is pushed towards the light, if I could just give the last push, he would come back, I swear.” Rey says. You are not convinced at all by her arguments, he killed Han, which is unforgivable.

“Chewie, you’ve always trusted me, you know I can do it, you just hate Kylo Ren too much to believe he can do good.” Rey shouts, getting impatient. She tries to shove you aside, but to no one’s surprise, she can’t manage to make you move a single inch.

She does have a point. You hate him with all your guts. You don’t care that he betrayed the Republic, or the Jedis, what makes you angry is that he betrayed those who were the closest to him, Luke, Leia, Han and yourself. If there is something you can’t tolerate, it is someone who betrays his family.

Rey locks eyes with you, clearly pissed off now. She understands she won’t get you to move with logic or brute strength, and won’t use the Force on you, because she is pretty damn sure that you will use your force on her. However, her look change suddenly, and she gives you a bright smile.

You have a bad feeling about this.

“How about I earn my passage to the escape pod? For starters, what if I did this?” She asks, getting her perfect breasts out of her top. She circles her nipples and gives you a seductive look that sends a lot of blood between your legs.

How do you react to this new approach?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

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