TLJ: An AT-ST starts shooting at you

From Create Your Own Story

Men fly around as the renegade walker shoots everything in it’s sight. You try to take down it’s gun with your blaster, but the walker is too big for you. You then realize that the traitors have escaped and you momentarily fall back with your the rest of your troops to regroup and counterattack. You are about to do so, but everything suddenly explodes as the whole hangar gets swallowed in an immense fireball. You have no idea what just happened, but you are relatively unharmed compared to the AT-ST, which lost is whole upper half and the rebel scum, who look confused and unsure. You send your troops in the battle as you decide to end this once and for all.

What happens next?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Captain Phasma
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

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