Suggest you have sex, since this is the end of the world

From Create Your Own Story

"I dunno," you say. "Looks like it really is the end of the world out there. Maybe we should use our time wisely, and, you know, live our last few moments in pleasure."

"Are you serious right now?" She asks. "Are you seriously suggesting that we have sex right now? After everything that's happened?"

"Sounds like a good idea to me," you say.

"Of course it does," she says through a smirk, rolling her eyes. "We're not having sex. So I suggest you come up with another plan, perv."

You laugh, and then try your best to convince her your current plan is best. You argue, you laugh, and she keeps denying you. You go on and on and on, despite the fact that bad shit is happening not twenty feet away, just outside the garage.

You never get a chance to see who barricades you in the garage, douses it with gasoline, and sets it's on fire. Even as smoke inhalation begins to take you, Melanie still won't have sex with you, as you both try to bash your way out of the garage.

You die, just as you lived, a burning pervert.

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