Stuff the fat, ribbed dildo up Patra's pussy

From Create Your Own Story

Patra sees your choice and you can tell by her sly smirk that she approves. You move slowly onto the bed, positioning yourself between her legs, and let the hand holding the dildo trail its tip up her stockings, then play against her bare thighs. She smiles, enjoying your teasing. You trace the dildo across the neat patch of her pubic hair, up her smooth stomach, across her ribs, to one of her breasts. You let the tip of the dildo circle around her breast in ever decreasing circles until you turn the dildo sideways so the ribbed plastic veins are stimulating her nipple. She leans back and moans, then extends one of her slender hands to grab your wrist and guide the dildo toward her mouth. You can't imagine she's trying to moisten it, glancing down at her dripping cunt - she must be trying to tease you back. She lets the tip of her tongue play around the head of the dildo before guiding your hand to insert it between her puckered lips.

An evil smile crosses your face.

Without warning, you draw the dildo back and plunge it into her sopping cunt. She screams in what must be a bit of pain and a lot of surprise. Immediately, her smile returns and she lies back, tossing her head with pleasure as you pump the dildo quickly in and out of her. The ribbed action of the dildo is serving its purpose and her legs start to shake around you. You angle the end of the dildo up so you're plunging it into her at an angle, being sure that every stroke rubs those veins across her engorged clit.

She's holding her breath.

You keep pumping, listening to the wet sounds of her sloppy cunt gripping the fat dildo.

Her trembling increases.

You increase your speed.

And suddenly, her body goes entirely rigid for what seems to you like half a minute or more. Her orgasm must be incredible, and you see her pale body flush, starting at her stomach and working up across her chest, up her neck, and into her face. She goes limp and continues trembling as you slow your speed. A long moan escapes her lips before she gasps in fresh air.

Slowly, over the course of several minutes, you slow your speed until she is still and you gently withdraw the dildo from her body.

She is panting, her hair tossed across the bed, her lips parted in an exquisite picture of a woman well used.

You go to the bathroom and wash your hands; her cream has coated your hand halfway up your forearm. When you return, Patra is lying back, smoking a cigarette.

"You have a strong spirit," she says in her best goth-spooky voice, but traces of the pleasure and exhaustion shine through. "I'll be thinking about you. You've got to come back again! But for now, get lost."

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Health Horny Location:

Patra's Mansion

MP 0
Level 1
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