Stop, stop revolution!

From Create Your Own Story

You ask to speak to the leader of the robots and are brought across town to a tall monolith. You enter the monolith and stand in a small room before a large computer. The large computer says, "ENTER." And a small door opens across the room. Your robot guide points to the door and you enter it. There, a small four-legged robot is plugging and un-plugging various USB ports.

"What is it?" asks the robot. "I'm busy orchestrating the death of humanity."

"Why?" you ask. The robot stops what it's doing. A round, camera-like object shifts around the robot's torso and extends toward you.

"You are not a robot!" the robot says. "I will kill you first!" A series of blades and guns emerge from the robot's body. But before it can fire, you duck out of the room. You draw your laser baton and blast the large computer, rendering it inoperable. The smaller robot scurries toward you, firing bullets and blades. You catch several projectiles in the leg and fall, but not before sending a few shots into the leader robot, reducing it to melted scrap.

You pull out your Medkit and bandage yourself up. Within three days, you're walking again. You emerge from the monolith to find a small band of humans walking toward you. The sky above is dark and streaked with lightning. The air is hot, and a horde of toothy, giant robots are on the horizon, marching toward your position. Smaller robots roll to-and-fro on tractor wheels, blasting missiles at each other and reducing smaller human settlements to rubble.

One of the humans says, "Holy crap! We thought we were the last humans."

"Hi," you say. "Got here about a day ago. Just blew up the robot leader."

The other humans look at each other. The lead human, a woman with red hair, walks forward and takes you by the shoulders. She seems to be wearing a bikini top with blue jeans and a bazooka strapped to her back.

"The robots don't have leaders," she says. "This isn't an army we've been fighting. This is a single organism."

"What do you mean?" you ask.

"Software," she says. A dark-skinned man with a cyborg arm and a pale, skinny woman with tiny sunglasses approach.

"The robots all share the same directives," the skinny woman says. "The same programming. You can't kill just one. You have to kill them all. And to do that, you need to get the factories."

You nod. This is going to get interesting.



"Screw this!" you say. Your MPS is beeping. Portal 101 is very close. You run for it and jump through.

Portal 101

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