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From Create Your Own Story

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," Dez said softly to Zeth as he took a step back with his hands raised, trying to show that he was harmless. He turned away and whispered, "I truly am sorry. I just don't know what it is about you that makes me care again! Before I saw you, I was just as heartless and cruel as the others... but now... every time that I look into your eyes I feel a little more of my humanity being reborn. And just the thought of what they want to do with you tonight..."

Dez turned to look into his eyes and he froze at the wild anger he could see there. But not just that... He felt his own power reaching out to Dez, trying to meld with the waves of power rolling off him. He knew that Dez wasn't as strong as himself, but he still felt like a cornered rabbit trapped in the wolfs gaze.

"Just the thought... It makes me want to rip them to shreds!" he said with a low snarl. But then he caught the look on Zeth's face and he stopped. He shook himself and took another step back. "I-Im so sorry Zeth...and so damn confused." He mumbled the last to himself.

Zeth just stood there and stared. He felt his hand close around the handle of the door he was leaning against, but he hesitated. He could run and take his chances and try to deal with a gang rape, or he could stay and trust Dez.

Zeth should...

Run and get raped

Stay with Dez

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