Steal the key to gain access to the National Defense Archive

From Create Your Own Story

Breaking into the Archives

A watchman patrols the outside of the archives. He ad libs with members of the audience as if they were on duty as well. Emily enters. She sneaks past the guard and enters the passcode into a door. She enters and is out of sight of the guards. She sits down at a computer and beins to search for files, using the stolen passcode to gain access. She searches and eventually finds information. As she searches, the guard continues to patrol.

Emily: JMJ Barnes. No enlistment number. Or anything about her history. Not even a birthday. ‘Married to Jim Barnes Jauary 10th, 1942.’ Service completed. Benefitiary, one daughter. Juliana ‘Ana’ Barnes. Juliana….that was the name on the matchbox….I’ve got to get down to the swing club.

Emily exits and sneaks past the guard. Guard: (Blows whistle) Alright men, well done. Time for a snack break. You deserve it after the hard work you put into keeping these archives safe. Now who wants a pudding cup?

Lights out

Emily decides to see Ana

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