Stay in the store and wait for her parents to come back

From Create Your Own Story

As much as Fiona wished to leave the store and go outside to see what there was to see, she remained where she was, behind the counter in her plain old dress, and did not follow her sister as she left to see the knights. Unaware of the opportunity she just missed, she did not regret a thing.

However, the girl began feeling regret when she saw her parents die, first her mother and then her father, leaving her with the old shop to take care of, and when she was later married to a nice, but ordinary peasant. One day, as she looked to her children and realized how old she had become, she understood that she was born poor, and that she would remain poor all her life.

If only she had left her house, then maybe she would've been at the right place, at the right time. But a dusty, decrepit tailor workshop could never be the right place for someone who dreams of fortune...

Your legend ends here... 
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