Stare out the window like an angsty teen

From Create Your Own Story

You stare out the window and your mom turns the radio on to 102.7 GNI. You hear Taylor Swift's "I Knew You Were Trouble" comes on. You have flashbacks to when you hit the ground just minutes beforehand. Triggered, you switch the station to some country music.

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that you jumped out the window because you were embarrassed?"

"I wasn't embarrassed."

"What other reason could you have for jumping out the window?"

You say nothing and stare even harder out the window. Finally, you make it to the hospital where your mother rushes you into the ER and signs you in. You're ushered into a room and a nurse comes in to evaluate you. Your mom leaves to go get some snacks from a vending machine. The nurse leaves but says she'll be back shortly.

Now what?

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