Stand outside and enjoy the winter air

From Create Your Own Story

You stand infront of a mirror. You have pale skin, long, blonde hair and crystal, blue eyes. You take off you gown and look at your slim figure. Once naked, you walk towards the door.

When you open the door you feel the cold air caress your beasts, the breeze tickles you nipples and you moan with pleasure. A snow flake slowly falls from the sky and plants a kiss on your skin, you spread you're legs and let the winter ease the heat building in you crotch and take in a deep breath of the fresh air.

You stand in the snow for a moment before you notice two people emerge from the woods. These people look like elves but upon closer inspection you see that they have grey skin, wings and tails. You realise they're succubi, knowing that it's so rare to meet a succubus, you:

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