Stand and fight. How strong could deer really be.

From Create Your Own Story

You ready your sword as the first one charges at you. As it gets closer you can see that they are about twice as tall as you. As it is about to hit you you think fast and drop to the ground as it ends up just above you. Working fast you try to position your sword just right and as you get it you thrust it up from the base of its body. After you pull it out its falls to the side and begins to evaporate. The other deer promptly runs into you making you fly back and into the snow at the bottom of a cliff. Your sword landing a good 15 feet away from you. You lay in fear as it charges at you. It panics into a halt as a ring of fire appears around it and suddenly coming from the top of the small cliff behind you drops Escher, as he falls cutting the deer with his broad sword.

"You're lucky I was up there when i was. Otherwise" Escher turns around and points his sword at you "you'd be dead."

Getting up and brushing the snow off of your clothes you say to him "I could have saved myself thank you"

You see Musiea run down the mountain. "Sorry about him hes.... him." she says as they turn around and keep moving.

You are: A 15-year-old girl
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