Slink quietly through the forest like the bad ass you are.

From Create Your Own Story

You move silently through the trees. A lesser hero might have made a noise, but not you! Your senses are on high alert, and every single sound of the forest can be heard. Or at least you'd be able to hear everything if there was any noise, but it's quiet. Too quiet... You dive into a roll as arrows fly over your head. If you had stayed still they would have skewered you. You come up with your sword in one hand and a knife in the other. More arrows fly out at you, but with a mighty sweep of your blade you send them all tumbling to the ground.

An elven maiden with huge breasts bursts out of the trees and swings her curved blade at your head, while at the same time more arrows come zooming towards you. You block the arrows with your sword and meet the maid's blade with your knife. You swing your sword around behind her with your superior reach and deliver a sharp blow to her plump ass causing her to flinch ever so slightly. Her moment of distraction is all you need. You duck under her blade and deliver a sharp headbutt that sends her reeling. Before she can fall you're hand shoots our almost too fast to see and grabs her by the throat. You spin her around and hold her firm in front of you facing the trees. The arrows stop.

What happens now?

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