Sleep deep, full of Thumper's seed

From Create Your Own Story

You fall into a deep sleep. Then suddenly from the darkness a voice. Deep gutteral, inhuman, snarling. You don't recognize what language you are hearing but you sense authority. Suddenly your mind fills with visions of depravity. Beast's of all types mating with humans from all walks of life. So many visions pass that you can't keep track. Some are idyllic -- cute young sorority sisters doing more than swimming with the dolphins in a blue green lagoon. Some are more repugnant -- a fat farmer romances his sows.

The final vision is one of ecstasy, horror, and spectacle. In an ancient looking arena all manner of beasts rut with willing and unwilling human mates. Some mail, some even devour their lovers in the process. Gigantic cocks fucking bodies never designed to take them until they give way, gore wounds from horns and antlers, fur, scales, claws, fangs, and teeth. All cheered by an orgiastic crowd of tens of thousands. But now watching the action on large video screens as well as just before them

At on end of the arena is clearly a special viewing area, as if for the emperor's of old. Robust columns support a roof to shade important viewers just below a dais. At the base of which are you and Karin dressed ornately in golden chains, lazily attending to the pleasure of your bestial masters. Above you a large throne sat upon by a figure clouded in shadow.

In the sand before you, as the finale for today's spectacle, a famous Hollywood starlet, Megan Fox, is led into the arena. Naked except for a silver collar and made up to be as glamorous as in the movies. A cage is brought out an a long silver lead attached to the creature inside. Attendants open the cage and put rushes a rather large komodo dragon. The creature's movements drop the actress to her hands and knees as she screams, startled. The dragon rushes over behind her and immediately mounts the actress, forcing it's sizeable reptilian cock inside her. The creature slowly ruts with the actress for nearly half an hour. Hr cries of resistance slowly becoming cries of wanton pleasure. By the end she's fucking herself back hard against the beast in a constant state of orgasm. Her enthusiasm doesn't even slow when the giant lizard begins sinking it's teeth into her flesh and peeling off strips to devour even as it fucks her. Finally the great beast's thrusting becomes faster and more irregular. It raises up and hisses as Megan howls in pleasure beneath it as it unleashes its first torrents of cum deep inside her. Then just as quickly the creature leans down, takes the actress's head in it's jaws, and crushes it like a melon.

The crowd falls silent as the creature rips open her torso and rapidly starts to consume her. But then ethereal shadowy tentacles rush forth from the figure on the throne into every living being and they all orgasm as one.

Again, the darkness falls over you.

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