Sit your ass down on the very edge of the sewer canal to use your legs to reach longer

From Create Your Own Story

There you go, girl!

You sit down just at the edge of the ledge and scoot as much of your rump over the edge as you dare. You reach back with your hands to get a good hold of the ladder rungs. Then you can simply swing out your shapely legs over the sewage without them dipping into the sewage, as you counterbalance their weight by holding down yourself by the rungs.

You can't help but smile at your own cleverness, not to speak of the yoga-ish position you are in with back arched and tits proudly sticking straight out!

You easily reach the crate with your toes. But then your smile turns into a frown as you realize you still need the crate to move your way. Pushing it away would have been easy, but you need to grip it somewhere.

You work at this a bit, starting to breathe more heavily, and you're pretty sure you will get the crate eventually, when you hear soft scratching noise from the canal wall directly beneath your rump. Then you feel something touch your left pussy lip!

Do you:

Health Horny and Hormonal Location:

The Sewers

MP 0
Level 1
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