Sit back and allow the eggs to hatch

From Create Your Own Story

You sit back and soon your insides start to churn with motion. It feels ticklish but good at the same time. You gasp when you feel movement inside your legs, and you can't help bucking when you feel your breasts start to wriggle too.

Your fish friends hurriedly leave, but stay in the cave to see what's happening.

Then you see something moving beneath your glued-together belly button, and your maternal instincts take over. You tug at the mucus glue and your belly easily rips open to spew thousands of tadpoles, and you can see how your insides are mostly eaten by your young.

But most eggs stay inside to feed, and it doesn't take long for you to become sleepy. You realize your octopus children do not need your help in getting out; they will simply eat their way.

So you relax and smile warmly at the never-ending stream of tadpoles exiting your belly. The last thing you know is how the entire cave is filled with your beautiful spawn.


Health Fish Food Location:

Small Underwater Cave

MP 0
Level 1
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