Show Isabel around your village

From Create Your Own Story

You hold Isabel in your arms and kiss her repeatedly as you show her around the village. People congratulate you on finding such a cute mate, and Isabel giggles and blushes.

Finally, you get to where your brother of mind works. He's busy bandaging the leg of a fellow orc. "Clawed by a bear he killed," you brother explains.

When he's done, he congratulates you on finding Isabel. Your brothers of strength arrive bearing medical supplies, and do the same.

You take Isabel back to your house, where your mom and dad look up from their mating long enough to greet her, and then to you room. You mate with Isabel again and then the two of you sleep.

When you wake, Isabel wants to mate yet again. But you feel it might be better to eat some food first.

Health Mated to Isabel Equipment:


Experience Low
HP 100
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