Shove the dildo up your pussy dry, in one thrust

From Create Your Own Story

You shove as hard as you can, but still can't push it in more than a foot or so.

So instead, you place it upright on the floor and squat over it, then sit down as hard as you can!

With a mighty burbling sound, the dildo penetrates you to the hilt, pushing into your uterus and making your organs move aside. There is some pain and some blood, but mostly an incredibly filling sensation, and looking down, the prominent bulge running up your stomach and between your breasts, looks incredibly erotic.

It takes you several minutes before the orgasms subside enough for your higher brain functions start working again. There's bound to be some internal damage, but that climax was worth it! You realize you should probably not remove the monster dildo without a doctor present, or you'd risk your life gushing out of you.

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Health Horny and Hormonal Location:

Your Apartment

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