She surprises you and sits down in front of you

From Create Your Own Story

The dark elf girl gets to her feet and sits down an arms length in front of you. You stare at her wide eyed, but before you can say anything she says, "All right, you can have my body." Overjoyed, you nearly rush in then and there, but she continues, "However, we shall not have sex every day. You will treat me with respect and as an equal, and if I say no to something, you wont do it. Is that clear?"

This catches you off guard, as you've never heard of an orc's mate being on equal terms with the male.

Seeing the conflict in your face, she says, "Look, I hate this. I hate being forced to mate an orc. I just don't want to die, and I don't think you do either. But I refuse to let myself become your whore. So, either accept my terms, or I get the satisfaction of watching you die before I do."

This is truly a strange turn. She was so scared before, and now comes off so strong. Almost Like she's two different people. But perhaps this is how she truly is, knowing now that you mean her no harm she's opened herself up to you.

Health Horny, desperately needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 10
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