Scream and try to get away

From Create Your Own Story

Scream and try to get away

You scream loudly and flinch away from his touch. "Let me go!" You demand pulling yourself away from his grasp. You take a few steps back preparing to run.

But he yanks you off the sofa and crushes you against the wall. He lowers his head down a fraction and suddenly his mouth is on your neck, sucking and biting greedily. His warm breath traveled down your back, making her shiver.

"Please let me go. I'm sorry I remind you of mom. Don't do this." You beg. As you feel his hand slink back down to tug on your thong.

"Behave little girl. If you don't do what daddy says their can be consequences!" He hisses as his hand snaps up to choke your throat. He lifts you up with one hand by your neck. You squirm frantically, your breathing laboured. He was always violent when he was drunk but never like this. "Stop!" You manage to yelp out. As he begins to throttle you harder.

He sneers trapping you in a forceful kiss. Before turning to crush you in a violent embrace. As you squeal he takes the chance to deep throat his long slimy tongue down your hollow throat.

He slipped it out quickly, "Stay still, or I will choke you with my tongue!" He warns glaring furiously, ramming his tongue back in to your throat and closes his eyes lost in passion.

Hit him.

Stay still. Petrified.

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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