Saya/Black Dress/2/Borias Hemilton/Forest/Shower

From Create Your Own Story

You can't resist the temptation of either the waterfall or the chance to show off your body to a crowd while making it look unintentional, so you quietly walk over to the base of the waterfall and get undressed. As you walk into view, you act natural and pretend to be unaware of the presence of either the girls or the boys. You soon feel all 10 pairs of eyes on you tho, so after stretching your body with your eyes closed a few times, you finally look up to see your audience. After giving them a moment to look at you while you stand there looking back at them, you fake modesty and make a half-hearted attempt to cover yourself with your arms while you take a step back. Since they can still see a lot, it probably only looks cute to them.

Seeing your reaction, the girls stop staring at you and giggle, one of them yells "Don't worry, it's just us girls here anyway, come join us!" If only she knew..

You shyly step forward and dive into the water in an elegant arc. As you resurface, the girls crowd around you excitedly, complimenting your beautiful figure and swimming style. You enjoy the attention but fake modesty and act a little shy. After the initial excitement calms down, they involve you in their pranks. You act a little meek and only make a half-hearted effort to fight back as they splash water at you, one of them dives up behind you and gropes you. she's a tiny girl with a flat chest and vividly complains about life being unfair as she squeezes your breasts. You let out a surprised little moan, making all of the girls giggle and probably giving the guys hiding nearby the time of their life.

Now, you could..

Helplessly try to shake off the girl on your back, making a hilarious and extremely sexy scene

Shake the little girl off and hit on one of the beautiful girls

Shake the little girl off and get out of the water

Health 100 Equipment:


Stamina 100
Mood Playful Inventory:

Mother's Katana, Full Black Leather Armor, Black Dress

Purse 150, 00, 00
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