Say you need to stay at work

From Create Your Own Story

"Sorry, but it's my first day on the job and I don't think it'd be right to play hooky," you say.

Annabelle rolls her dark brown eyes. "Sheesh, no wonder you're a virgin."

"Wha...How did you...?"

"Oh, it's so obvious. Anyway, I was trying to be nice, basically setting you up for the game at the easiest level. And you couldn't even get that right." She shakes her head. "Free tip, loser. Girls don't like minimum-wage lickspittles who kiss up to the big boss even when he isn't looking."

"But I..." All the color drains from your already pale face.

"Too late. Sorry." She turns on her heel and marches back to her office.

Because of the awkwardness of the situation, you quit this job. On your 40th birthday, you are still a virgin.


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