SWE/TESB:Leia Falcon

From Create Your Own Story


Cockpit of the Millennium Falcon.

You are working at one of the control stations in the cockpit of the Falcon alongside Chewie and C-3PO. Captain Solo has managed to put the ship down in a cave in the middle of a massive asteroid after your escape from Hoth. You are less than pleased about your situation.

Han blusters into the cockpit. "I'm gonna shut down everything but the emergency power systems."

C-3PO perks up. "Sir, I'm almost afraid to ask, but... does that include shutting me down too?"

"No," Han replies, "I need you to talk to the Falcon, find out what's wrong with the hyperdrive." The ship suddenly lurches, and you have to cling on to the control panel to stop from skidding across the cockpit. The ship rights itself in a moment, and everything goes quiet.

"Sir," Threepio says, regaining his footing, "it's quite possible that this asteroid is not entirely stable."

Han gapes at him. "Not entirely stable? Well I'm glad you're here to tell us these things! Chewie, take the professor in the back and plug him into the hyperdrive!"

Chewie growls affirmative and strong-arms Threepio out of the cockpit, the droid wailing, "Oh! Sometimes I just don't understand human behaviour! After all, I'm only trying to do my job well..."

The cockpit falls silent, occupied now only by you and Han. The ship lurches again, and you find yourself propelled across the cockpit and into Han's lap, both falling back into the pilot's chair. He grabs your waist to hold you still. "Let go--" you start, but Han shushes you, listening to the tremors outside. "Let go, please." He's holding you tightly, his arm curving underneath your breasts.

Han looks at you in mock-indignation. "Don't get excited!"

Leia Organa
Millennium Falcon (The Empire Strikes Back)

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