Romantic comedy.

From Create Your Own Story

"How about we catch Just Friends," you say.

"That new rom-com with whats-her-teeth?" Tina asks.

"Yeppers," you reply with a smile. "But What's-her-teeth is only her screen name you know!"

Tina laughs her same pretty tinkle of laughter, and you blush a little.

"That sounds ok . . . afterall, I do owe you."

Her lack of enthusiasm at seeing what is certainly a "chick flick" undermines your confidence a little.

You walk out of the dormitory, and half-way to the theater, Tina slips her arm in yours. You've seen girls walking like this before, but she gives your arm a squeeze with your hand while at the same time pressing her body close to yours. Your mind has a tough time concentrating on walking, let alone thinking, and you almost stumble over the very smooth sidewalk.

Tina grabs you, and you are amazed at how easily she is able to take your weight. You see very clearly her bicep standing out from her arm. She's able to haul you back to your feet with almost no effort whatsoever. That's definately new for you. In any relationship, you've always been stronger than your date. It's a shock to find the limitations of this body, when you've thought of nothing but the benefits.

"Are you ok?" Tina asks, clearly concerned.

"Yeah, sorry," you say.

"What happened?"

Do you say:

Welcome to the University
Health 100 Equipment:

duffel with papers

Gender Female
Height 5’ 8”
Weight 121 lbs
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