Report the sale to your Master Vladimir

From Create Your Own Story

“Cheer up Grace! Your body fetched a high prize on the slave marker. You should be proud of yourself!” You say smugly.

“That woman she was so… so cold. What is going to… happen... to me?” She asks teary eyed with fear in her voice. Her naked body has started shaking since Katsumi´s monitors went blind.

You stroke her beautiful golden blond hair as you respond with clear menace in your voice.

“Grace darling, you grew up privileged like few others, never having to worry about anything or anyone. In your small bubble you have had the luxury of being beautiful and free. No one to stop you from being the woman you want to be. But now you are going to find out about the true world, you are going to find out that blond beautiful women like yourself are desired and hated by many, your busty white body objects of their arousal. You Grace, are going to find out just how cruel the true world really is.”

Your words are like sharp daggers through Grace´s weeping heart. You leave her crying, humiliated and naked as you leave the auction room and head towards your Master Vladimir´s room.


Vladimir´s room is located on the second floor of your cult’s headquarters. You stand by the foot of his door, busy unbuttoning the top buttons of your blouse to show off more of your delicious cleavage. In your eyes Vladimir is the center of the universe, he is your cult leader and the object of your sexual fantasies. Trying to look as sexy as possibly you enter his room.

Your leader sits behind his desk, cool, calculated and reading a report with a smirk on his face. In his sixtyish his once jet black hair has begun to turn gray, although the rest of his body is still in perfect condition. When it comes to sex appeal no man can match him, every time you go near him your nipples and clit stiffens in arousal. Due to this you always become incredibly self aware when near Vladimir. Even basic fundamental things such as walking straight, speaking correctly and standing still becomes incredibly complicated when Vladimir is around. He has such a sexy aura around him that totally blows away all the self-confidence and coolness you usually have.

Focusing on looking sexy you walk all the way up to his desk. When you arrive in front of his desk his dark eyes leaves the report and falls on your pretty young face. You arch your back to emphasize your massive tits for his viewing pleasure.

“Yes?” He asks simply.

“Master I would just like to report that I have just sold Grace Nicole Foster, heiress and daughter to the famous Clifford Foster, the televangelist and head of Foster Ministries International to Katsumi.”

He listens, looking slightly amused.

“Yes I know, I’m reading the report right here.” He says and waves the report he was reading around. “Say Sharon, you have a very important mission that involves enslaving and breaking three sacrificial victims for our cult’s ceremony. So why are you wasting your fucking time selling slaves!?”

Instantly your stomach tense painfully. Upon hearing your Masters criticizing words feelings of sadness and agony explodes within you that is emotionally lethal. You can’t bare hearing your Master be displeased with you, you just can’t, he’s your everything.

Vladimir sees your emotional agony clearly across your face and sighs. “Don’t worry; you have free hands to do as you wish. If you concluded that selling Grace was the right thing to do then I support your action.” He coldly says.

It feels indescribably grateful hearing that, the choking pressure leaving gradually as you feel yourself returning into Vladimir´s blissful favor.

Vladimir´s eyes fall back on the report. “Besides she fetched a hefty prize that Grace. Katsumi will show no mercy against her, she never does against Americans.”

Vladimir strokes his chin, seemingly pondering on something.

“Say Sharon have you ever been to Japan?” He asks.

“Eh? No Master I haven’t. Why do you ask?”

The amusement in Vladimir´s smile returns as he chuckles a bit.

“You sold her, you deliver her.”

“Deliver her? To Japan? But, but, but!” You really don’t want to stand face to face with Katsumi. If seeing her on a monitor with an ocean in between you is enough to send chills down your spine then you don’t want to know what’s it’s like in real life.

“The cult has long considered sending a delegation to Katsumi; after all she is one of our best customers! So see it as a learning experience Sharon.” Vlad says and chuckles a bit.

You bow your head in submission. “Yes Master. Your will be done.” His will be done, choking yours.

Vladimir open´s one of the drawers on his desk and retrieves an envelope. “Here, there’s a note inside, read it to Katsumi if you like.”

“If I like?”

“Yes.” Vladimir says still very amused. “Read it if you like, it’s your decision. But don’t you dare open it unless you stand in front of Katsumi and intend to read it.”

“Ok… Okay Master. Yes Master!” You would never betray Vladimir, although his orders make no sense to you. It looks like you’re going to Japan.

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