Rampaging Ronda: The mousetrap

From Create Your Own Story

You follow her into the darkness.

"Here piggy, piggy, piggy"

The alley is a dead end and she's cornered. Nowhere to run.

She looks terrified. The sweet smell of her sweat reaches your nostrils, it's exhilarating.

It's making your mouth water but at the same time it clouds your senses.

You make an extra step forward when you notice something odd: you and your prey aren't alone in this alley. At least three other humans.

You look up but it's too late. The heavy metallic net falls upon you pinning you to the ground. You try to free yourself but you can't do anything.

The girl whispers to your hear:

"I'm gonna hurt you a lot, bitch."

A cold liquid is poured aver you. It's gasoline.

The girl kneels next to you she's holding a zippo.

"I'm gonna watch you burn you monster, and I'm going to enjoy it."

She smiles playing with the lighter, teasing you. You hiss.

You're terrified. You cry. You beg for mercy.

"No mercy for your kind, your friends had none to spare when they took my baby"

The gasoline smell is all over you.

"Torch the slut already and let's move on".

What do you do?

Trade your life for info?

Accept your fate?

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