ROTS: Rape Shaak Ti in front of her peers

From Create Your Own Story

You use the Force to remove Shaak Ti's restraints. She has been stripped of her lightsaber so she is no threat. She attempts to attack you with a Force push but you stop it with a raised hand and counter it, sending her flying back into the wall. She drops to the ground as you approach. You reach out and take hold of her mind through the Force, she struggles to resist you but your clones join their power with yours and you easily strip her of much of her brain's ability to send instructions to her limbs. Her efforts to take any action against you will be weak and powerless. You pull her to her feet and begin to remove her clothing as the other members of the Council hang their heads. The clones grab their heads and force them to look up and watch as you completely strip Shaak Ti, with all her efforts to fight you amounting to weak attempts to grab your hands, wrists, or arms which you easily rebuff.

Soon, her clothes lie in a pile nearby and she stands utterly naked before you. Her slim and fit red body far more curvaceous than her Jedi robes implied. You grab her big, beautiful red tits and begin to knead and massage them while looking directly at her face. She attempts to turn it away but you use your mental powers and telekinesis to force her to look you in the eyes as you grope her huge tits. You lean in and kiss her and she tries to remain completely stiff and unresponsive, succeeding through sheer willpower. You release her and begin to strip your armor and the light robes underneath off. Soon, you are as naked as she is. She tries to hide the fear she is feeling but you can sense it, and you're intent on making that fear just the beginning.

You approach her again, seizing her luscious bust and attaching your lips to hers as you rub your cock up against her pussy. She tries to again remain stiff and unresponsive but you sense a flicker of sensation as your cock brushes against her clit, disturbing it. She tries to quell the feelings but you time a nipple pinch with another grind on her clit and that flicker becomes a stream of emotion. The stream soon becomes a river and her body is becoming more pliable and responsive to your touch. You turn her around you and push her to the ground in front of the other Masters of the Council. You lower yourself on top of her, her feeble efforts to push you off failing against your superior strength. You press in close on top of her, rubbing your tip against her entrance before plunging it in.

She cannot help but gasp as the 7' monster enters her virgin pussy. You slowly begin to create a rhythm, grasping and massaging her big tits as you gently fuck her sweet, tight pussy. She is now responding more overtly to your kisses, her lips sticking to yours a moment longer. Your dick thrusts into her slim, toned belly again and again, banging against her cervix repeatedly, causing her to bite her lip to keep from moaning. You rear up and push her legs farther apart to give you deeper penetration. You drive your dick deeper and suddenly burst through her cervix and into her womb.

Unable to contain herself, Shaak Ti gasps as you enter her secret place, violating her utterly, claiming her womb as the first one to penetrate it. You grab her slim, toned waist and begin fucking in earnest, spearing into her womb as her pussy massages and squeezes your cock while her shuddering body and twitching Lekku betray her delight at being conquered by a true man, a true Sith. Leaning over her, you grab two handfuls of her tits and prop yourself up on her, laying into her snatch with ferocity. Shaak Ti is moaning and sighing loudly as her sexy body bounces while you fuck her. Her soaking wet pussy begins to tighten around you and you feel your cock beginning to burgeon in response.

Shaak Ti cries out as she experiences her first orgasm, her tight snatch closing its vice grip around the length of your long, thick shaft buried in her womb. Your cock swells defiantly and this compounds her pleasure as she feels the bulge of your seed race down the length of your shaft and explode into her womb.

You pull out and consider what to do next...

ROTS: Fuck the Togruta bitch doggystyle
ROTS: Let's open up that asshole
ROTS: She's going to swallow the next load
ROTS: Leave for the Senate building

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Revenge of the Sith

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