Put on an angry face and confront Lisa

From Create Your Own Story

"You tramp," you scream as you stand up and grab Lisa hard. "What does it feel like to wreck someone's home?"

"My name is Clara Fisher," you continue. "I just learned that my husband is having an affair with you."

Lisa looks confused. "But, Clyde said he was in an open relationship. I never..."

You put your hands on her shoulders and look her straight in the eyes.

"Clyde makes you feel good, does he? That thing he does with his thumb? The way he always knows what to say?"

Lisa nods. "Clyde is really special. I like him a lot."

You smile. "And I bet you like his money, too?"

The girl looks flustered. "I don't... He's helped a bit with my rent a couple of times, that's all."

"Well," you say, "after I speak to him tonight, you won't see him again. And once I show certain photographs to your loverboy from back there, I don't think he'll be in your life any longer, either."

Lisa is pleading with her eyes, and quite possibly on the verge of tears. "Please, Miss Fisher. Don't tell Joshua. I'm so sorry, but I had no idea."

You smile widely. "I guess you could do something for me. Since you slept with my man, I want you to arrange to have sex with yours."

Lisa is utterly shocked. "You can't do that!"

You are possessing:
Chubby Housewife
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