Pull Kelly into your arms and whisper that while she's stunning, you don't want her to act in haste and later regret it

From Create Your Own Story

You pull Kelly into your arms. Before you can say a word, her lips seize yours in a viselike grip and she forces her tongue down your throat. You struggle to breathe as her arms lock around you.

When she finally breaks away for air, you gulp to get oxygen back into your lungs and, before she can resume her assault, you quickly whisper, "You're incredibly hot and I would love to pleasure you. But I want to be sure you're not going to wake up tomorrow and regret things."

That actually seems to penetrate her brain. She relaxes her grip on you slightly.

"I still want you naked," she tells you. "But I think you're right. Just hold me tonight and let me sleep with our flesh touching. If I wake up tomorrow and still want you I can always pin you to the bed then and mount you."

You strip, as does she, and you obligingly hold her against you, her head on your chest. You both fall asleep.

You wake, perform a needed function in the bathroom, and slip back into the bed. A few minutes later, Kelly does the same.

She snuggles against you and lightly caresses your body. You lie still, your eyes remaining closed, as she gently strokes your pole to full hardness.

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